fredag 4 juni 2010

Glimpse of a life

I was on the train the other day, just traveling by going across the country. Really boring stuff. At one passage the forrest next to the train was a little thinner so I could see into the society behind it. And I saw a few yards wiht poeple on it and I saw a person looking at me as I was looking at him. At first it didn't hit me, but then it slowly did. For a few second our lives met. I don't know who he is, he doesn't know who I am. We will most likely never meet each other. We will never get to know each other. But we both live a life. A life, where we don't know what everyone else does. We get in contact wiht some poeple, we get to know that or we lose contact. But that is not even 0.0000001% of Earth population you will know throughout your lifetime.

Lastly... Hehe, he was raking the yard. I'm so happy I wasn't doing that~