onsdag 18 juni 2008

Do we see the world differently with glasses?

(Random though of the day, dated 05/03-07)
Yes? No? Maybe so. I don't know. What I d know though is that both me and my father (and a few more family members) become calmer when we're wearing glasses. My father is the kind with a short fuse as they call it, he gets upset over practically nothing. The thing is though, when he wears his glasses he doesn't get upset as easy. Me, I just get irritated when I don't wear glasses. I think that glasses bend the light into your eyes a way that makes the light move soothing, therefore we get clamer. I've never seen a person with glasses upset, they take them off.

1 kommentar:

andronikus sa...

Haha, den här skrattade jag gott åt. Jag håller med. Varje gång man ser någon på TV som håller på att bli irriterad, så tar denne av sig glasögonen. I alla fall om det är en man. Kvinnor kan ha på sig sina glasögon och ändå vara förbannade - den du.